/ Spa & Healing

Petopia…You have truly been a godsend to the both of us…

Published July 13, 2011 in Spa & Healing, Styling, Testimonials |

“Dear Team Petopia,

I first found out about you in June 2010 and I booked an appointment right away as I saw that you are a holistic pet wellness centre.

Bailey, my then 10-month-old puppy, had very bad experiences with other grooming centres and it was heart wrenching for me to watch him shiver and howl with distress through the entire grooming session.

The first thing I noticed when I stepped through the door was that there were many happy dogs running around, a stark contrast to other centres where dogs were placed in cages, which reeked of dog pee.

Marcus kindly took us on a tour and my mind was set at ease as I saw how much care was put into providing the best care for your furry clients.

It was the first time I did not stay throughout the grooming session as I knew Bailey was in good hands. True enough, he had such a good time that he sulked for the rest of the day after I brought him home.

Thank you for your commitment and passion in providing the best care for Bailey. You have truly been a godsend to the both of us!” ~ Angela & Bailey

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