/ Monthly Care Tips

How to Prevent Dog Bites?

Published May 30, 2012 in Monthly Care Tips, What's New |

Invariably, even for fur parents, some would have had the experience of being bitten by their own furbies or even stranger dogs.

According to a lot of findings, children are the victims of the majority of dog bites. PreventTheBite.com provides educational resources to children to help prevent dog bites. Children learn to recognize the body language of a fearful dog as well as an angry dog and a happy dog.

Dogs do not bite because they are bad dogs, or because they are trying to gain dominance over people. They bite because they are afraid or feel threatened. We firmly believe that education equals prevention.

Tips on how to approach an unfamiliar dog:

Always ask for permission to pet the dog (if his fur parent is present).
Never pet the dog on top of his head. Many dogs view this as threatening behaviour.
Stay relaxed and still, and let the dog approach you, instead of approaching him.
Leave your hands at your side while he approaches, instead of reaching out to him.
Once he has approached you and has shown signs of being comfortable, slowly pet him on the chest, underneath his head, instead of reaching over his head.
If the dog is in an enclosed area such as a crate or even being fenced up, do not reach in immediately  to greet the dog.
Do not try and take a toy or food away from the dog.
Do not make loud noises or sudden movements towards the dog.
Do not touch a dog that appears to be sleeping.
Do not approach a dog whose hair is raised, is growling, has their ears back and erect, and appears stressed.

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