/ Pets & Animals

Rats Laugh and Turtles Play

Published September 11, 2011 in Love For Earthlings |
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Neuroscientist Jaak Panksepp from Washington State University has studied the high-pitched vocalizations of rats and found they have their own form of laughter. Called ultrasonic vocalizations, these noises are heard frequently during rats’ play time. Panksepp wondered if the noises he had been hearing them make could be similar to human laughter. He tried tickling their bellies and observed they made the same vocalizations when tickled, which indicate pleasure.

“Every place in the pathway that we stimulated, we got a chirp.That’s the gold standard that this vocalization is associated with a big reward,” Panksepp said. (Source: the-scientist.com)

This rat laughter could be the first scientific measurement of positive affect, or pleasure, in animals other than humans. Pankseep explained insights from the rat play and laughter research could help improve models for treating human psychiatric disorders.

A psychology professor at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville Gordon Burghardt says he has observed play in animals as something they need, and is not limited to dogs, cats, and primates. He is one of the first researchers involved with defining play in both humans and animals. The basis of his definition is,”Play is repeated behaviour that is incompletely functional in the context or at the age in which it is performed and is initiated voluntarily when the animal or person is in a relaxed or low-stress setting.” (Source: USnews.com)

He said he had a breakthrough moment observing a fifty-year old Nile soft-shelled turtle playing with a basketball while swimming in a zoo enclosure. According to him, play has benefits such as learning skills, maintaining physical and mental fitness, and improving social relationships. These benefits can be for animals and humans. He believes studying play in animals can yield information that is also relevant and helpful for humans. For example, research focused on rats has provided some insights which are involved in using play for lessening attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children.

In some research contexts, it appears play was overlooked because it stopped once they were tested, “a number of studies did just that — raising rats and monkeys in social isolation so they could not play – fight, or confining young ungulates to small spaces so they could not gallop and frolic,” says behavioural ecologist Lynda Sharpe from South Africa. (Source: the-scientist.com)

It used to be thought animal play was for developing physical skills in juveniles to help them be better hunters and to defend themselves. Currently, the thinking has shifted more toward play as a method of preparing the animal for stressful situations. The notion is called “training for the unexpected,” meaning that play allows an animal to become acquainted with a variety of situations and sensations before the actual event takes place.

Adapted from an article by Jake R.

Can Wild Horses Fight Global Warming?

Published September 6, 2011 in We Love Gaia |
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According to Russian scientist Sergey Zimov, reintroducing wild horses to the icy Siberian landscape where they once roamed in droves, will begin to repair the ecological damage brought about by global warming.

Forbes article (via Straight From The Horses Mouth) elaborates on Zimov’s theory to fill the vast barren lands of Siberia with grass-eating animals in the hope that it will eventually slow global warming. “Some people have a small garden. I have an ice age park,” says Zimov.

How can wild horses effect climate change?

By recreating an ecosystem that disappeared thousands of years ago, Zimov believes that herds of wild animals can turn these frigid areas into grassland. When the wild horses graze on wild grass, the grass stays healthy and their manure nourishes the ground cover. “In winter, the animals trample and flatten the snow that otherwise would insulate the ground from the cold air. That helps prevent the frozen ground, or permafrost, from thawing and releasing powerful greenhouse gases.”

Why wild horses?

The park originated with a herd of 40 Yakutian horses, a semi-wild breed. They are able to survive harsh Siberian winters with the help of their very warm, furry hide. With the reintroduction of the wild horses came the predators. “The challenge is to find the right balance between grazers and predators.”

What is rewilding?

According to The Rewilding Institute, “Rewilding is the scientific argument for restoring big wilderness based on the regulatory roles of large predators.” The objective of rewilding Siberia with wild horses is, “To see whether a thriving population of grazing animals will regenerate grasslands that disappeared long ago, which would slow and even halt the accelerating pace of permafrost thaw.” According to the article, the results are encouraging.

Why introduce rewilding to the Arctic?

Climate change effects areas where temperatures are warming fast. “Most climate scientists say human activity, especially industrial pollution and the byproducts of everyday living like home heating and driving cars, is triggering an unnatural warming of the Earth.”

What are your thoughts about reintroducing wild horses into lands where they once roamed? What do you think about rewilding?

Read the full article to learn more about how this project works.

Adapted from an article by Ronnie Citron-Fink, a writer and educator who regularly writes about sustainable living for online sites and magazines.